Digraph and Diphthong Anchor Cards Alphabet Zoo Phonics

Digraph and Diphthong Anchor Cards Alphabet Zoo Phonics


Also available at Teachers Pay Teachers!

This adorable set of Digraph/Diphthong Sound Cards will be just the anchor your early learners will need to learn their alphabet letters and sounds.

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**These cards contain three versions for your personal choice of:

Lowdon Owl
Thrissa Thrush
Shawny Shark
Charley Chick
Oona Goose
Wheeler Whale
Joy Oyster
Dawn MaCaw
Inga Duckling

Long Vowel/R-Controlled Anchor Cards Alphabet Zoo Phonics demoAnimalZooLongVowelRControlledAnchorCards2002127.jpeg

Long Vowel/R-Controlled Anchor Cards Alphabet Zoo Phonics

Long Vowel/R-Controlled Handwriting Worksheets Alphabet Zoo Phonics demoAnimalZooLongVowelRControlledHandwritingWorksheets2002164.jpeg

Long Vowel/R-Controlled Handwriting Worksheets Alphabet Zoo Phonics

Headbands Digraphs and Diphthongs Alphabet Zoo Phonics Diagraph Headbands.jpeg

Headbands Digraphs and Diphthongs Alphabet Zoo Phonics

Digraph/Diphthong Handwriting Worksheets Alphabet Zoo Phonics demoAnimalZooDigraphDiphthongHandwritingWorksheets2002155.jpeg

Digraph/Diphthong Handwriting Worksheets Alphabet Zoo Phonics

Long Vowel/R-Controlled Crown Headbands Alphabet Zoo Phonics original-2614917-1.jpg

Long Vowel/R-Controlled Crown Headbands Alphabet Zoo Phonics
