Long Vowel/R-Controlled Crown Headbands Alphabet Zoo Phonics

Long Vowel/R-Controlled Crown Headbands Alphabet Zoo Phonics


Also Available at Teachers Pay Teachers!

These adorable headbands compliment the Animal Alphabet materials that provide a consistent anchor to help teach R Controlled and Long Vowels quickly!

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April Angel Fish
Easton Eel
Ida Ibis
Owen Okapi
Ulla Unicorn
Mark Aardvark
Orin Orangutan
Erma Ermine

Headbands Digraphs and Diphthongs Alphabet Zoo Phonics Diagraph Headbands.jpeg

Headbands Digraphs and Diphthongs Alphabet Zoo Phonics

Digraph/Diphthong Handwriting Worksheets Alphabet Zoo Phonics demoAnimalZooDigraphDiphthongHandwritingWorksheets2002155.jpeg

Digraph/Diphthong Handwriting Worksheets Alphabet Zoo Phonics

Long Vowel/R-Controlled Anchor Cards Alphabet Zoo Phonics demoAnimalZooLongVowelRControlledAnchorCards2002127.jpeg

Long Vowel/R-Controlled Anchor Cards Alphabet Zoo Phonics

Alphabet Games to build Alphabet Fluency Untitled.jpeg

Alphabet Games to build Alphabet Fluency
