Using Questions To Extend a Shared Writing Lesson

During Shared Writing the teacher guides children to compose messages using a combination of writing. For beginning writers to understand what writing is and to cognize the connection between spoken and written language, the teacher must continually model the writing process by using the think aloud strategy - that is to verbalize the writing process as it is being executed. In subsequent sessions the teacher gradually solicits the student’s assistance as they begin to identify sounds and name letters in words; the teacher acknowledges and writes the letters in the correct placement. 

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Kathy Crane
Amazing Paint Sticks Great For Young Children

I received a set of 6 paint Kwikstix Thin Stix from The Pencil Grip Company to review. I liked them so much, that I just ordered a large set for my classroom, from amazon! These thin sticks are able to reach the small spaces that my regular size Kwickstix couldn't reach. I love these stick! They are easy to use, vibrant colors, and not messy at all! Perfect for young children. 

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Kathy Crane
Guided or Scaffold Writing

Guided writing is a time when the teacher provides guidance, mini-lessons, and scaffolded support to move students within their zone of proximal development (ZPD). This type of writing is based on the works of Vygotsky (1979). Children are encouraged to solve their own problems with teacher assistance. 

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Kathy Crane
Using Writing Prompts

One of the best ways to satisfy the need for writing daily is by using writing prompts. Using prompts is an easy way to keep students engaged and excited about writing. They help prevent writer’s block, inspire creative and independent thinking, and give students a level of comfort when asked to take risks.

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Kathy Crane
Independent Writing and Writer's Conference

The last semester of the kindergarten year should be spent developing independence, moving from guided writing to independent writing.

Independent writing is the end goal of modeled, shared, structured, interactive, and scaffold or guided writing. As students learn the tools of self-expression and gain confidence in their mastery of writing conventions, they will become independent writers, and love the process. To optimize this move to independence, provide students with purposeful anchor charts.

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Kathy Crane
Measurement-Data and Common Core Standards

n addition to working with numbers, kindergarten students should also be introduced to measurement and data. As students work to meet three standards of Measurement and Data, they note measurable attributes such as length and weight, make comparisons, as well as sort and categorize information. Through exploration in these areas students gather, organize, analyze, and interpret information about the world around them.

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Setting up a Great Word Wall

A Word Wall is a collection of words that are easily visible in the classroom. This wall provides a dictionary of sorts for those high frequency words that generally break phonics rules or appear regularly in print. This wall provides support for students, enabling them to become independent writers. 

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Kathy Crane
Reading Strategies

The very first reading strategy that I teach my kindergartners on the first week of school is to sit in reading position using the cute little song. Students are very responsive and quickly develop habits of quiet sitting at the reading table. Now I want to say this strategy is a lot for me and my sanity, but actually, if students sit in a quiet manner at the guided reading table their attention is maximized.

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Getting Nonreaders to Read

In January I gave the midyear Directed Reading Assessment to my students. Most of them did well, but a few of them really struggled. Despite all that we had done, they were still not looking at print, and leaning too heavily on the strategy of using picture clues.

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AynGuided ReadingComment
Book Boxes: And Guided Readers.

A home reading program will be more effective if the student has a way to save or store the books. A book box is a great at-home storage solution. A book box can easily be made out of a shoe box - either a regular shoe box or a purchased plastic shoe box. Your students can decorate the boxes at home. They can be elaborately decorated right from the pages of pinterest, or just covered with stickers. 

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Using Emergent Readers With Early Readers

Guided Reading is an important part of the literacy spectrum as it is a time to work with students of similar needs and abilities using material at their instructional level.  It is a time to introduce and practice important reading strategies, build one to one correspondence, and to practice the importance of rereading text, and more.

If you are like me and find the guided books in your basal series to be marginal at best, you need something more. I have been making thematic books for two decades now, and find they fit the bill for effective guided reading. I have several sets for sale at our on-line store, they are moderately priced. My students love these little books! I usually sent home two a week. Additionally, each of our 50 plus thematic units and 12 homework packets each contain at least one guided reader.

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Guided Reading - Building a Bridge to Reading Independence

Guided reading is the bridge between teacher-led reading activities and independent reading. It is an instructional strategy that helps students learn and practice the skills they need to become better readers. It can be used in many different grades, but it is most common in kindergarten, first, and second. Guided reading provides the support that children need to become readers.

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Kathy Crane
Teaching The Concept of Past and Future: Hands-On

It's hard for small children to understand the past and the future, they have so little experience with either! But one thing that is guaranteed to help them think about the concept of time in a hands-on and fun way, is through a fun defunct technology themed Science Center.

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Kathy Crane
Phonics Easy-Peasy Worksheets

If you are looking for some easy peasy worksheets to teach beginning phonic's skills, these great phonics worksheets listed below,  are an extension of our popular Phonics Series that we published several years ago. 

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Kathy Crane
Using QR Codes With Young Children

First, let me be clear, I absolutely LOVE using QR codes with young children! To get yourself going, simply ask around for old ipods and/or smart phones that are no longer being used. You will be surprised at how many are simply lying around in drawers waiting for some love! I found two in my own drawer! 

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Kathy Crane