Using QR Codes With Young Children
First, let me be clear, I absolutely LOVE using QR codes with young children! To get yourself going, simply ask around for old ipods and/or smart phones that are no longer being used. You will be surprised at how many are simply lying around in drawers waiting for some love! I found two in my own drawer!
Next, make or purchase some QR code products. Here are some Valentine Book QR codes to get you going. All videos are viewed through Safe Share so they are appropriate for young viewers.
My student really enjoy using their device to listen to a favorite story, but I think their favorite activity is to be a QR detective to decipher sight words, letters, and even as a way to complete sentences.
If you are as excited as I am about QR, be sure to follow my TPT store, you will have notification as soon as our new products are released.
All of our "Writing" activity packets contain (or are currently being updated to include) QR codes for sight words, sight word sentences, and alphabet letters. Did I say my kids absolutely LOVE these activities! Here are a few pictures of QR activities that are included in our Ocean Writing.
What customers are saying...
““Thanks so much! My kids love your writing center activities. There are plenty of choices to keep it interesting all month.” ”
“my children enjoyed it”
“I love it. Thank you very much.”
- Here is a sampling of our ever growing Writing Bundle! You can also find us at TPT!