November Preschool Homework Packet

November Preschool Homework Packet


Also available at Teachers Pay Teachers!

Product Description

School To Home Connect 

Preschool October Homework

This parent involvement resource will help strengthen that connection as students practice essential preschool skills. 

This October packet consists of simple games and activities that are fun and easy for the parent and child to complete together, with nothing to return, or use the turn-in signed check off sheet if you wish, because choices are included.

Parents and children alike love these fun, exciting. and time-tested NO-PREP home connection packets. 

Three levels are available for all 12 months of the year.

  • For your convenience, each activity is strategically linked to Core Standards.

  • This is also great product for parents looking to enrich learning, or homeschool parents that maintain a year round schedule

Contents Include.

Turkey Time Rhymes

Alphabet: E F G and H

Numbers: 3, 4, and 5

The Pumpkin Patch: A syllable game

Harvest Basket: A math game

Color Book: Color identification 

Shapes: The Square

© Kindergarten Kiosk

Note: All of our homework packets are available at three levels, Pre-K, Kindergarten and 1st Grade.

Bundles Save You Money

Kindergarten Home-Connect Yearly 16-Packet Bundle

Preschool Home-Connect Yearly Bundle

First Grade Home-Connect Yearly Bundle

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Contents Include:
Turkey Time Rhymes
Alphabet: E F G and H
Numbers: 3, 4, and 5
The Pumpkin Patch: A syllable game
Harvest Basket: A math game
Color Book: Color identification
Shapes: The Square

Great resource. Thank you!
Wonderful product. I excited to use it this school year! It saves me a ton of time and I think it’s something practical that will help with parent child interaction at home. Thank you!
Love these packets!
Excellent product! Thanks so much :-)
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October Preschool Homework Packet
