February Preschool Homework Packet

February Preschool Homework Packet


Also available at Teachers Pay Teachers!

Are you looking for some great homework that is Developmentally Appropriate and Child Centered? You will love this NO-PREP option.

Extend the learning in February by sending home this early skills homework packet! You could also use this packet as curriculum for your preschool, preparation for your own child, or many other uses. This packet can also be used with kindergarten students needing targeted instruction.

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Rhyming Friends: A rhyming activity

The Alphabet - Q, R, S, T: An alphabet activity

Valentine Bears: A number activity

Syllable Clap: A reading game

Heart Count: A math game

Color Worksheets: A color identification activity

Shape-It-Up: A shape activity

The kids and families are still raving about these packets. Thanks!!
Love, Love Love each and every month! Please keep them coming. Perfect for small group activities. Thanks
Thank you so much, I love these.
I am so grateful for your time in putting these packets together. My preschool children love doing homework!! Thank you so much!!
October Preschool Homework Packet octpre1.jpg

October Preschool Homework Packet

August Preschool Homework Packet August-homework-preschool.png

August Preschool Homework Packet

December Preschool Homework Packet decemberpre1.jpg

December Preschool Homework Packet

November Preschool Homework Packet novpre1.jpg

November Preschool Homework Packet

April Preschool Homework Packet aprilpre1.jpg

April Preschool Homework Packet
