The Virtue of Gratitude and Young Children

Teaching young children the art of gratitude can be difficult, especially when children are naturally egocentric, but nurturing this character trait will certainly pay off.

According to Dr. Robert A. Emmons of the University of California, genuine gratitude is the key to living a happy and fulfilling life. Dr. Emmons has found through his studies that practicing gratitude can increase happiness level by around 25%. He also mentions that gratitude increases creativity and productivity.

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Developing Fine Motor Skills Through Play

The hand is our most important tool. We use our hands in almost every activity we engage in throughout the day, therefore, hand muscle development, or fine motor development, is crucial to the school success of young children. 

Fine motor skills are developed as children use their hands to interact with the environment. In the past, children were strengthening hand, wrist, and arm muscles as part of the family chores that were necessary to survival, during hours of endless play in the outdoors, or by playing with tangible building toys. But in today’s technological world,  the development of those important muscles can be missed.

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Kathy Crane
Building Fluency in Young Children

Fluency is a skill that can be and should be taught. In 1997, The National Reading Panel which included guru Marilyn Jagar Adams stated, “... [F]luency is the ability to recognize words easily with greater speed, accuracy and expression...children gain fluency by practicing.

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Kathy Crane
A Free Election Theme Game

Enjoy this free game, Race to the Capital! To play, students will read alphabet letter sounds as a precursor to decoding words. And for kiddos who are ready, they can use this for decoding practice.

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Kathy Crane
Growth Mindset for Young Children

It is so important for our students to have a growth mindset in order to accomplish their learning goals! We've put together a packet of activities that you can use all year long in order to encourage children to learn that they can be successful and that learning depends on hard work and persistence. The packet is available here or at Teachers Pay Teachers.

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Kathy Crane
Teaching Kindergartners to Blend the Play Way

The systematic teaching of all phonological awareness skills is imperative to ensure a students’ future reading success. Daily, intentional instruction of, and more importantly, the “playing with" individual sounds in a meaningful way will build cognitive clarity as students experience how sounds work together to form words.

A child’s future reading success is directly linked to his/her understanding of phonological awareness skills. Consequently, daily intentional, strategic teaching of those skills must exist in the kindergarten classroom. The best way to teach these skills? Well the play way of course!

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Stomp Rockets

My grandkids love Stomp Rockets! They are great for teaching STEM skills, such as cause and effect and trial and error, and very fun! In order to launch the rocket, kids jump on the plastic box, forcing air through the blue tube, and launching the rocket into the sky. There is a stand that comes with the rocket, but it's not very sturdy. Fortunately, the kids enjoy holding the rocket while they launch it (unfortunately, that makes it easier to point the rockets at each other).

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Kathy Crane
Halloween Theme Learning & FREE Halloween Songs

I love the simple Halloween songs of my childhood! I have continually shared these songs with my kindergartners year after year; always with the same reactions -- Kids love them. Following are the jpgs that you need to print as posters, and the mp3 you will need to sing the tunes with your classroom. These songs and more are part of our Halloween Thematic Unit. This unit also includes the piano scores.

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Kathy Crane
Communicating With Parents

When it comes to communicating with parents and engaging families, I have yet to find anything as easy to use and all inclusive as Kyambu. Here are a few things that Kaymbu will do for you and your classroom. Classrooms of any grade level!

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Kathy Crane
Make a Spiderweb Sensory Tunnel

Here's a fun activity for you, via my grandkids. Grab a large cardboard box and have your kids or students decorate the outside of it with pictures of spiders. Then glue or tape to the inside roof of the tunnel as many black threads as you have patience for. In a darkened room, the black threads will be difficult to see, and it will feel like crawling through a spiderweb infested tunnel to the little ones that dare to crawl inside!

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Kathy Crane
Preparing for Fall Parent Teacher Conference in Kindergarten

Are you getting ready for your FALL Parent Teacher Conferences in Kindergarten? You will love this easy form that will make reporting to parents practical, authentic and a breeze!  You will be organized and ready to discuss student progress with all of the data right at your fingertips!

Bonus! This packet includes our Fall Homework Intervention Packets in both English and Spanish. Send these packets home with parents to offer additional support for their child's academic learning. 

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Kathy Crane
Election Day Activites

Election season is here, and this one in particular will be getting a lot of attention in the media. Help your young learners understand the process by using great literature selections to help as you plan a thematic election unit.

To get you in the mood for thematic planning, check out our podcast interview with Mary Parry, author of Sadie McGrady, episode #24.

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Kathy Crane
Sensory Table

The sensory table in my classroom is always a favorite of my students and a great companion to math, science, and literacy development as well! As children are able to experiement, discover, solve, estimate, explore and more, understanding of mathematical and science concepts are developed. When academic tasks are combined are placed in the sensory mix, students can expand even there literacy development.

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