End of the Year Song: I Like School A favorite end-of-the-year song. Read More Kathy CraneMay 21, 2015End of the YearComment
Dinosaur Thematic Unit Kathy CraneApril 23, 2015Common Core, Dinosaurs, Thematic Teaching, Thematic UnitComment
Kindergarten: Let's Remember It's Purpose Kathy CraneApril 21, 2015Developmentally AppropriateComment
Number Sense and the Common Core: Compensation, Unitizing, and the Landscape of Learning AynMarch 22, 2015Common Core, MathComment
Number Sense and the Common Core: Part-Whole Relationships AynMarch 20, 2015Common Core, Math, Number SenseComment
Number Sense and the Common Core: Hierarchical Inclusion, Magnitude and Subitizing AynMarch 19, 2015Common Core, Math, Number SenseComment
Kindergarten Retention: What is the Right Call? Kathy CraneMarch 17, 2015Common Core, Kindergarten, RetentionComment