Reader's Theater in Kindergarten
Using Reader's Theater in kindergarten is not only great fun, but it is the perfect way to build reading confidence, fluency, and developed comprehension skills. These scripts are perfect for benchmark kindergarten readers! The scripts are engaging as they are based on familiar folktales.
Readers Theater is an activity that encourages fluent reading with expression and emotion. Young children love to read, practice, rehearse and perform these adorable little plays.
These readers theaters can easily be copied front and back, stapled (or spiral bound) on the sides to make little books that last, and look just like professional scripts. Costume props are included to make character headbands.
As your students read their production of The Billy Goats Gruff, or other titles in our series, they will increase reading fluency rate, learn to retell stories, identify story elements, improve reading skills, and develop the prosody that brings true joy to reading.
Purchase, print, line up the chairs and let the show begin!
This week students were working hard in their reading groups to read, practice, refine, and then perform!
You can purchase each of these theaters separately, or as a bundle! Your kids will love them!
Or if you prefer, purchase them at our TPT Store by clicking here.