Increase Student's Assessment Scores Quickly: RTI at its Finest!

Power Pocket Instruction & Practice Cards only $2.00
Are you looking for an easy way to quickly increase rote knowledge of important early skills that are used in Dibels testing and others? Try “Power Pockets!” I have used pockets of this type for about 20 years now, and I have found they provide excellent results. Simply construct, laminate (if desired), cut slits in the pockets, and use.

This product offers instructions for constructions, number circles and title cards, as well as 30 plus pages of practice cards for Alphabet Letter Naming, Segmenting, Sight Words (over 100 to choose from, including Wonders Words), and Numbers 0-20. Instructions for easily making new practice cards of your choosing is included.

The students love these “Power Pockets” and need no additional reward than the accomplishment of learning! Yes, I have found these pockets to be RTI at its finest. The folders and the pockets are available at amazon here: Pockets, Folders.

Find a place to store the pockets that is easy to grab.
I have used Avery Labels and simply layered over time, but recently I have begun using these labels that simply peel off when a new student is ready for the pocket.

I have had this "Power Pocket" for about 20 years and it is still in perfect shape!