The 100th Day of School: My 100 Year Photo

Our students probably think they'll never get old, but you can give them a preview of the future! Download an aging app such as AgingBooth, then take a picture of each of your students. The app will quickly add wrinkles and turn hair to gray or even white.

The pictures are funny and just a little scary - especially if you take picture of yourself! They will generate incredulous laughter and can lead to animated discussions. Follow this up with a writing assignment - When I Am 100!

Print the pictures to illustrate the writing, post on the wall (looking for a conference display?) and/or use as a fun portfolio page. The pictures even look good if you print them in black and white on your school copy machine.

This is a great 100th Day of School activity, but don't limit yourself to that time of the year. Try it anytime you want to spark the imagination of your students.

Looking for more 100th day activities? Check out our 100 Day Unit and/or or 100 Day Task Cards!