The Circus Thematic Common Core Essentials
A great theme for any time of the year is the Circus! We offer a great thematic unit that covers all areas of the curriculum and is strategically links to important learning standards. It is written specifically for kindergarten, but can be easily used in Pre-K and 1st with a little skill adaptation.
My students love this unit. Especially when our playhouse turns into clown college!
To get you started, you might enjoy this free song poster. This poster is a sampling of songs that are included in the unit called The Circus. It is an original song sang to the tune of "Baby Bumbleebee." It is a lot of fun!
Every unit includes its own cross-curricular planing guide.
Click to Enlarge Preview
To print this poster, simply click on the picture to enlarge, drag the jpg to your desktop and then print the size you want.
This great unit includes:
Contents Include:
Literacy Activities
Clown College: Reading Sight Word Sentences
The Ringmaster: Reading Sight Words
Silly Words: Naming Sounds to Decode Words
Race Around the Big Top: Segmenting Words
Family Words Worksheet
Math Activities
Orchestra: Repeating and Creating Patterns
Battle: Comparing Numbers
Shapes Around: Identifying & Copying Shapes
Big Top Math: Adding and Subtracting
Clown Combinations: Adding Numbers
Circus Math: Addition and Subtraction
Writing Word Wall: The Circus
Writing Prompts: Circus Clown, The Circus
Writing Center Activities:
Write It, How To, Label It, My List
Class Book: The Circus Clowns
Guided Reading Books: Clown College
Science "Pepper": A Magic Trick
Lions and Tigers and Bears: Comparisons
Art Projects:
Circus Train
The Elephant
Paint a Clown
Clown Hat