Kindergarten Roundup

It's that time of year. The time for the 5 year-old roundup for kindergarten! My kindergarten team just held a very organized, easy, and effective night.

First the parents and their kindergartner(s) met in the cafe for introductions and a brief overview of schedules, school rules, important facts, and etc. conducted by the building principal. Then the parents were sent to explore the kindergarten wing and to complete sign-up forms and make appointments for pre-screening.

As you can see, the registration room was very organized and inviting.

As you can see, the registration room was very organized and inviting.

The parents moved freely between registration and the activities in the five kindergarten classrooms and the art room. The principal announced a suggestion to move to a new activity every 10 minutes to keep the crowd flowing.


One classroom teacher read a story and gave each child their very own copy of the book Mrs. Bindergarten Get Ready For Kindergarten.


The Math Room: 

The Language Arts Room

The Science Room

The Music Room

The Art Room 

Looking for the perfect Kindergarten


that is easy to use

and only takes 1 sheet of paper?

Kathy Crane